Neev Center for Geoinfomatics
Fault creep and salt ductility: analysis of borehole station data for the 2018 earthquake swarm in the Kinneret pull-apart baisn
O. Barnea Cohen, R. Hofstetter, Y. Hamiel, S. Cesca, T. Dahm, and A. Agnon
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Dead Sea stromatolite reefs: hyperspectral remote sensing and the search for life in extreme enviroments
Nuphar Gedulter, Amotz Agnon, Yaniv Darvasi, Noam Levin and Nicolas Francos
The role of laterally propagating crevices in the process of land sliding: Capturing field data by drone‐borne LiDAR and photogrammetry
Yaniv Darvasi, Ben Laugomer, Ido Shicht and Amotz Agnon
Satellite Derived Bathymetry: A Semi-Automatic Approach.
Levenson S., Hall J.K., Agnon A.
Mapping Active Faults from a 3D Model Based on Drone’s Photos: An Example from Ye’elim Creek, Dead Sea Escarpment.
Darvasi Y., Agnon A., Shemesh R.